Time to “Move On” From Election Theft Talk? Oh, HELL NO!

Too many Republicans have said it’s time to move on from outrage about the theft of the presidential election in November of 2020. The pushback started almost immediately after the election and accelerated after thousands of concerned citizens gathered in Washington, DC on January 6, 2021 to peacefully protest what were, at best, very suspicious and unprecedented circumstances and events surrounding the defeat of President Trump by a weak contender who did not even campaign.

The news media and social media, who no longer have any interest in investigative reporting and truth-telling, suppressed all attempts to prove the theft, calling every accusation “debunked” without even looking at any evidence presented. The DOJ and FBI, who in the past were quick to investigate allegations of official wrongdoing, (i.e. Watergate, Iran-Contra, etc.) were not only derelict, they were complicit in the coverup.

A year and a half later, enter conservative documentary film-maker Dinesh D’Souza, in association with the long-time leader in election security, True the Vote. Their movie, 2000 Mules, shows how cell-phone GPS records and security videos prove beyond any doubt that the Democrats hired thousands of “mules” to stuff ballot boxes with millions of illegal and trafficked votes in order to strategically throw an election they knew they had no chance of winning. It also proves that the volume of illegal activity was way more than enough to hand Trump’s electoral win to Biden. If you have not seen this movie, you must. Follow the link to find out how to obtain it.

A “mule” stuffs illegal ballots in a drop box, then removes her rubber gloves and throws them in the garbage can to avoid leaving fingerprints. Some of these criminals visited dozens of drop boxes per night over long advance voting periods, also making repeated trips to Democrat NGO offices for payment and to pick up more ballots. Many were seen taking selfies of themselves dropping the ballots, a requirement for payment.
Clip from “2000 Mules”.

Only weeks later, frantic Democrat leaders, with a couple of “never-Trump” Republican stooges propped in front of the cameras, staged a televised kangaroo court hearing to try to convince America that the January 6 protest was a coup attempt by outgoing President Trump. Other RINOs are nodding their approval.

Asa Hutchinson, lame duck governor of Arkansas, has admitted he wants to run for president. He called the Jan. 6 protest “a costly error” and chided conservatives (including most Republican voters) for continuing to press the issue.

I know, you know, and everybody knows the election was stolen. I don’t need to repeat the proof here. Those who hate and fear President Trump (he is still our elected president) will just say “debunked, debunked, debunked” no matter how irrefutable the evidence is.

What we can’t allow to happen is for this crime of the century – hell, biggest crime in history! – to stand. If the ruthless, criminal forces who pulled this off get away with it and there are no consequences, who on earth thinks they won’t do it again, and again, and steal every election until there are no more elections in the USA?

So no, I will NOT stop complaining about the election theft. And I will not vote for any candidate at any level who even hints at a willingness to tolerate it. My hair will remain on fire until Democrats and their operatives are indicted, and the stench is worst at the top of the dung heap we call our government.

We have to understand just how quickly our republic can be taken from us. The extent to which our law enforcement, military, education, news and social media, medical system, border security, foreign policy, banking and other institutions are already damaged is dire beyond the comprehension of most Americans. Many innocent citizens who protested on Jan. 6 are still political prisoners in DC, held in inhumane conditions without haircuts, medical care, legal representation or due process. My God, what has happened to us?

Frankly, if there isn’t accountability for the election theft and other crimes, and a will to prevent it from ever happening again, it’s lights out for America as we know it.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ on the Right Side

No clever music play for this topic. It’s just too grave.

3 thoughts on “Time to “Move On” From Election Theft Talk? Oh, HELL NO!

  1. They’ve been cheating for a long time now; it’s just been now exposed for all to see. Of course the RINOs and Dems want to “move on,” because they know they are complicit in the fraud.

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