Those Were The Days

Archie Bunker’s eyes would bug out. Fred Sanford would have another fake heart attack, yelling “it’s the big one ‘Lizabeth! I’m coming home!” Even Meathead would be totally flummoxed at the state of our nation and culture today.

For those of you too young to get the references, All In The Family and Sanford and Son were the two most popular sitcoms on American television in the 1970s. Archie Bunker, a bigoted but big-hearted working class white guy, complained constantly about the deterioration of life in America – especially the younger generation. His live-in son-in-law, Meathead, was a hippy liberal Democrat who drove Archie crazy, and vice-versa.

Sanford and Son was the flipside of All In the Family. Fred Sanford was an equally bigoted black owner of a junk yard who was just as perplexed at the changes in his world. His son, Lamont, gently guided him though the exaggerated challenges he faced.

There were issues in America in the 1970s – the Vietnam War was detested by everybody except the defense industry, racial tensions persisted after the civil rights movement, and dishonesty by politicians was perceived as a growing problem. Inflation hit 12.3% in 1974 and Archie had to eat meatless spaghetti.

Fast forward to today. The Vietnam War has been replaced by the conflict in Ukraine, equally reviled for the American dollars being spent propping up a corrupt foreign government, but without loss of US troops – yet. Racial tension has returned as mobs of marauding young blacks loot retail stores in brazen attacks without fear of prosecution, while colleges and corporate employers openly discriminate against whites and Asians, and citizens are divided into groups of “oppressors” and “oppressed”. Political prisoners languish in fetid jails without due process or basic human rights. Drag queens twerk in front of kindergarteners, and school libraries feature gay pornography. Our cities are filled with drug-addled homeless squatters, while millions of illegals pour over our border and through our airports, filling taxpayer-funded hotels and enjoying perks that many hard-working Americans can’t afford. One hundred thousand Americans die from fentanyl overdoses every year. Our president gets away with taking millions in bribes from foreign adversaries and no one trusts our election process any more. Our government spends $2 trillion more per year than it takes in.

I guess turmoil is the normal state of affairs in our country. But people my age sense that things are getting worse instead of better as the slide away from Christian values gathers momentum. Despite artificial intelligence and smart phones in every hand, we seem to get stupider every day.

Archie and Fred would be shocked at the state of affairs today. Even Meathead, who was totally against the “establishment”, would be stunned to see his liberal Democrats defending big government corruption and abuse of citizens today.

The idyllic days of post-WW2 America are long gone, probably never to return.

My wife, an America First hard-right patriot, stopped by the Democrat booth at a festival to compare notes. They actually found much to agree on – everything is going to hell!

The difference is, back in the 1970s we were still able to laugh about it. Today free speech has been cancelled, the truth has been scrubbed from the internet and news media, and laughing is prohibited.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

Boy the way Glen Miller played,
Songs that made the hit parade,
Guys like us we had it made,
Those were the days,
And you knew what you were then,
Girls were girls and men were men,
Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.
Didn’t need no welfare states
Everybody pulled his weight,
Gee our old Lasalle ran great,
Those were the days!

Those Were The Days – theme from All In The Family

More on Fake 9% Inflation Claims

Yesterday I grabbed a couple of quick lunches at McDonald’s. I always liked their two-cheeseburger meal, and Mickey’s drive-through was quick and right on my way.

Sticker shock! Each regular size two cheeseburger lunch was $8.50 after taxes! I swear about a year ago the same meal was under $4.00. Just a single cheeseburger, which used to be on the dollar menu for a buck, is now $2.50. Again, I say, 9% inflation my ass!

Even worse, the burgers were microscopic – they used to make 8/1 burgers – 8 patties to a pound. The ones I got yesterday are 10/1 or maybe as small as 12/1. And the “small” coke they now serve with a meal looks like a Dixie Cup!

So: $7.50 plus tax for a crappy little Mickey D’s lunch. Right across the street is our favorite Mexican restaurant. They serve fabulous Mexican dinners for $8 to $10 dollars, and the portions are so large we usually share a meal or take a carryout box. And (the best part) a huge schooner of Dos Equix for $5! Needless to say, that place is jammed all the time. The service is excellent, everything is clean, and the food is awesome.

So, I’m not shedding any tears for these big fast-food chains with their prices inflated by 150% and portions “shrinkflated” by 25%. These guys are just flat out profiteering on the COVID crisis, which BTW, was over a long time ago and never should have happened in the first place. From now on, our rare dining out excursions will be to good local businesses.

Side note: don’t forget that when prices are double what they were last year, so are sales taxes. So you can expect cities, counties, and states to be doubling their salaries and/or going on spending binges. Makes me miss Montana, where there is NO sales tax.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

Yeah, there was ham and there was turkey
There was caviar
And long tall glasses
With wine up to hyar
And somebody grabbed me
Threw me out of my chair
Said “Before you can eat
You gotta dance like Fred Astaire”

Long Tall Glasses – Leo Sayer

Public Schools Are Obsolete

photo courtesy HPB Academy

Today the mass murder of 19 fourth graders and two teachers dominated the news. It is yet one more reminder that the public school model in the USA is ineffective, dangerous, expensive, and totally obsolete.

Want some more reminders?

  • Congress sent more than $190 BILLION to schools for “Covid Relief” in two years. What happened to all that money? A lot of it went into football stadiums, Critical Race Theory programming, teacher pay and benefit increases, and a plethora of direct-payment corruption to political cronies. It sure was not spent on security, because liberals do not want their children defended with guns – that doesn’t fit the anti-gun narrative. Despite the huge spending, public schools closed anyway, causing an irreparable learning gap, psychological damage, and physical problems.
  • The cost per student continues to escalate (see some startling figures here) while educational performance continues to decline.
  • Public schools now emphasize aberrant sexual behavior, gender-bending, and extracurricular activities over fundamental studies that produce employable skills. They promote racism and fear, teaching vulnerable children that Martin Luther King was a liar – content of character doesn’t matter, only the color of one’s skin.
  • Parents who attempt to influence school boards toward improvement, or even reasonableness, are physically removed from public meetings, and investigated by law officials as “public terrorists”.

I could go on, but you know the drill.

All of this points to the fact that the American public school model is obsolete. It just doesn’t work any more. Schools cost too much, produce too little, put kids at risk, and are destroying our nation and the very future of the kids we entrust to them.

So what’s the answer? Like most government programs that have become too big to be manageable or functional, our education system should be blown up and replaced. The notion that kids learn best stuck at a desk in a room of 25 students, dominated by one teacher (who may or may not have their best interests at heart) and waiting for resources and attention is crazy. We all know that children are eager to learn, and will do so as fast as they are allowed to. Kids need LESS rigid supervision and more independent creative time and resources.

I think we should look to the private sector for answers to fixing the broken public school model. The funding system is a critical roadblock. More parents would home school their children (a tremendously successful model) if they didn’t have to pay for their unused public education, too. And businesses who currently can’t get qualified employees would be better served to educate their own prospects rather than rely on a public system that has no idea what they need. In any event, if taxpayers (individual and business) must pay for education, they need more control over the process and results. Families need the right to choose where and how their children are educated, and any government funding to that end should stay with the student, not go straight to the school in his/her zip code.

It won’t be easy to wrestle our future away from the bureaucracy. But it’s way past time to do it.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

I study nuclear science
I love my classes
I got a crazy teacher, he wears dark glasses
Things are going great, and they’re only getting better
I’m doing all right, getting good grades
The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades

The Future’s So Bright – Timbuk 3

The Wimpification of America

This weekend we received a belated Christmas present – a trip to the “Axe Throwing” facility at a local family fun center.

If you are my age, the first thing axe throwing brings to mind is the “Ed Ames” incident on the Johnny Carson show:

Anyway, while waiting for our axe guide we watched a family at the nearby climbing wall. This is a 20-foot tall wooden wall with holes cut out so that kids can easily scale the wall. It includes safety cables so nobody risks falling, and is not even remotely challenging for an average kid.

This was a pretty typical American family, a single mom with four kids – two boys about 11 and 9, a toddler and a baby. The 9-year old had walked up the stairs to an adjacent apparatus and was hollering “Mama, I’m scared!” She told him to wait for his brother to climb the wall and help him. The pudgy 12-year old had clearly not climbed anything but a couch for many years. He was mystified by the challenge of putting a hand or foot in the next higher hole to get up the wall, nor did he have the strength or confidence to do so. “Mama, I can’t do this!”

My wife and I looked at each other, simultaneously thinking that our home-schooled grandson or granddaughter would scale that wall in three seconds flat, and then look for something more exciting to do.

It was a pathetic American vignette. Two young boys who had never been physically challenged, were totally out of shape, and had no confidence or ambition. They had clearly been coddled by a helicopter single mom and a school system that teaches them that they are victims and the most important thing in their lives is safety and risk-avoidance. I have no doubt that Critical Race Theory has held them down since they started in public school.

The sad thing is their future is not bright. Once out of mama’s protective reach, they will be overrun by the few capable and ambitious young men (and women) on the way up the ladder of success. Or worse, they will be actually victimized by tough young bad-asses.

That is exactly what our government wants and plans for these boys: more single-mom families, CRT in every institution, and a risk-averse cancel-culture that views self-reliance and confidence as hostile aggression. The implications of this cradle-to-grave government coddling are far-reaching and depressing.

We must stop the destruction of the nuclear family. Kids need dads who don’t allow them, especially the boys, to succumb to a life of wimp-hood. There will always be winners and losers, but the proportion is changing rapidly, and I guarantee the winners will have more fun.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

For you, baby, I would swim the sea
Nothing I’d do for you that’s too tough for me
I’d put out a burning building with a shovel and dirt
And not even worry about getting hurt

Ain’t that tough enough
Ain’t that tough enough

TUFF ENUFF – the Fabulous Thunderbirds

Big Time vs. Small Time

The battle in America is not what it appears to be. It’s not Republicans vs. Democrats, conservatives vs. liberals, right vs. left, or even Marxists vs. Capitalists.

The real battle is “bigs” versus “smalls”.

The 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats. No doubt in my mind. The left pulled out all the stops – uncontrolled mail-in ballots, truckloads of fake ballots in key precincts, ballot harvesting, rigged voting machines, news media and social media disinformation and censorship, hell yes. Big Time. Their game plan was so perfect that Republicans, caught with their pants down, question whether they will have to cheat to ever win a future election. While thinking Americans understood the Trump agenda and continue to support his border-security, pro-defense, America first policies, they were unable or unwilling to stop “the steal.”

Unrecognized in all the turmoil is the role that big-money corporations play in the transformation of society, economics, and government.

In today’s political-economic climate, the rich continue to get richer, and everybody else just doesn’t matter. Charlie Kirk recently interviewed Tucker Carlson. Two of the sharpest tools in the American shed, together they zeroed in on the cause of my insomnia: ordinary Americans are no longer in control of our destinies.

“It’s the bigs versus the smalls,” Tucker said. The fight for power in America is no longer between the left and right. It was not long ago that Republicans held claim to Adam Smith’s notion that the invisible hand of free enterprise generated profits which raised all boats. Now, big businesses have learned that, in cahoots with a swampy central government, they can destroy small business, and hog all the profits for themselves perpetually in unholy financial complicity.

Our central government now unabashedly colludes with the federal reserve bank to create a monetary environment where everybody agrees there is no consequence for accumulating debt – interest rates can be held to zero. The huge corporations will endlessly borrow funds to expand their operations at the expense of moms and pops who played by the rules: work hard, save money, don’t go into needless debt. The communist Chinese model works! At least for those at the top.

Amazon, Google, and Facebook, were first in line. It didn’t take long for other large corporations to see what was going on. Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, AT&T, Disney, all professional sports, WalMart, the big banks, big pharma – they were not going to be left behind, so they adopted the leftist “hate America” playbook that seemed to be working so well for the swampers and all the “bigs”.

Recently I found that I needed a pair of wiper blades for my truck. I could have driven less than a mile to one of the zillion WalMart stores or one of the three remaining national auto parts chain stores. But I decided to patronize a small business, so I went online to eBay and found a pair at what I thought was a small, independent dealer. I placed the order, and to my surprise, the very next day there was a truck in my driveway with my wiper blades. He handed me my blades in a WalMart bag. Obviously, my eBay dealer had just ordered my blades through WalMart, which I could have done myself.

Even though I got my order quickly and at the right price, I was pissed because I thought I was buying from an independent small business, not the WalMart Monster. The smalls, in order to survive, now have to work with and through the bigs to survive. They get the crumbs while the bigs get bigger.

Call me a skeptic, but I have misgivings about giving all of our lunch money to the big bullies.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

Big Time, I’m on my way I’m making it, big time, Huh!
Big time, I’ve got to make it show yeah, big time
Big time, so much larger than life
Big time, I’m gonna watch it growing, big time

Big Time – Peter Gabriel

No Soup for You!

Everybody loves the Seinfeld shows featuring the “Soup Nazi”, the merciless restauranteur who arbitrarily decided who would get to buy his soup, and who wouldn’t. If you haven’t seen it, or need a refresher laugh, here’s a snip:

Every day life in America feels more like a Seinfeld episode. Like the wimpy Seinfeld character George Costanza, most of us cringe in fear of being “cancelled” by a Mask Nazi or a Race Nazi or a Gay Nazi or some other enforcer of nonsensical left-wing political correctness. And like Elaine, those of us who rebel get slapped down – “No soup for you!”

My son and I were at the Charlotte airport waiting for a flight yesterday. The woman sitting next to me noticed that when I talked to my totally blind son I pulled my mask down, temporarily, so he could hear me better. As the tension mounted, I knew that she was a “Mask Nazi” looking for a victim to publicly shame.

Finally she couldn’t hold back. “Excuse me!” she huffed through her own elegant bejeweled mask. “Are you vaccinated?”

I was ready. I was SOOOOO ready. I couldn’t contain for one more minute the year and a half of “pissed off” I had been holding in. And I let her have it. “How dare you?” I said, revving up. “To assume that I would intentionally put you, or anybody else at risk. I am totally offended and insulted!”

Wide-eyed, she lurched back in her seat. Nobody had ever pushed back publicly against her Nazi tactics before, and she didn’t know what to do.

“Doesn’t your mask work?” I continued. “If your mask doesn’t work, what makes you think mine does?”

“Are you with the Mask Police? If you are, I want to see your badge!” She started to sputter an apology as nearby passengers watched the drama unfold. “I’m sure you’re okay,” she mumbled.

“Well, I’m certainly not afraid of you!” I fired back.

I was just getting warmed up. “I am so sick of this unscientific crap!” I wailed. “Why is it okay to cram people together like sardines on airplanes but we can’t sit next to each other at a church or a ball game?” She had no answer for that.

I wanted so badly to ask if she washed her hands the last time she went to the bathroom. I had to trust her, because there was no evidence that she had! But that’s a little too personal for a public forum.

She weakly offered a peaceful exit to the confrontation. “Well I hope this is all over soon.”

“So do I,” I responded, and apologized for blowing up. “President Biden has promised he would eradicate the China Virus by the fourth of July.”

The Mask Nazi looked startled. Maybe she doesn’t fully trust the president she voted for!

Tom Balek, Rockin’ on the Right Side

The clothesline of cold eyes
Is washing away the face before
Now tell me what’s wrong you see everyone’s gone
You gotta do your best to decorate this dying’ day

Soup – Blind Melon

I’ll Give You Money!

Ah, America – the land of opportunity, where any entrepreneur with a good idea can get rich. All you have to do is be in the right place at the right time with the right scam.

So here’s the next big opportunity.

Americans no longer have to show up to vote, right? And mail-in ballots do not need to be verified in any way to be considered valid, as many of our states have proven in the 2020 elections, right?

The old-school method for getting stinking rich by being elected to office in Washington, DC has been to collect huge sums of money from lobbyists and rich fatcats and then buy advertising that will make the voters hate your opponent. For example, Democrat Jaime Harrison and incumbent Republican Lindsey Graham collected and spent about $230 million on hate advertising in their recent senate race. But this technique is now obsolete. SC voters already hated both of them before the advertising. Harrison had more money and bought more advertising, but South Carolina loves President Trump, so we plugged our noses and voted for Graham, hoping he would support Trump.

But wait a minute – if that kind of fatcat money is available to candidates, and there is no control over mail-in ballots, why go through all the hassle and risk of advertising? Why not just buy votes directly on the open market?

I think I am going to run for Lindsey Graham’s seat next time around using a combination of old-school and new-school tactics. Like the current group of “corrupticrats” in DC, I will collect a ton of lobbyist/fatcat money by promising legislation that will make them even richer. But instead of spending it on hate advertising, I will create a website where voters can send their mail-in ballots, marked for me, directly to my campaign manager, who will conspire with corrupt postal workers and poll employees to dump them in the ballot boxes. In return for their ballots I will send each voter a Visa gift card for the going rate, which was $130 per vote this year. If you can collect or create 100 ballots I will send you $13,000, and I don’t care how you get them.

It’s the American way – supply and demand, efficiency of production, stuff like that. Oh, but it’s dishonest, you say? Tell that to CNN and Google.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ on the Right Side

All I need is someone to believe in me
Even if you’re losing
Watching from behind
I’ll give you money, I’ll give you lovin’

I’ll Give You Money – Pete Frampton

The Latest North Carolina Presidential Poll

My son uses disability busing to get around Charlotte, NC. Totally blind, Jeff is a news junky and very interested in politics. So on his bus trip to the gym today he took a political poll on the upcoming presidential election.

Poll size: 1
Sex: female
Race: African American
Age: 40-ish
Occupation: bus driver
Union member: yes
Government employee: contracted

Jeff asked his bus driver how she is going to vote in the upcoming election, and found out she is an enthusiastic Trump supporter. As I got Jeff off the bus, she told me, “We had such a nice visit. Jeff is a Trump fan, too!”

I acknowledged, “Yes, I know.”

She said, “I just love Donald Trump! I don’t care about his personality, I only care about what he gets done.” She added, “All of us black folks in North Carolina are behind Trump. He’s going to win, you know.” I don’t care even a tiny bit about skin color, but she thought it was important to make that point.

So according to Jeff’s poll, Trump will win 100% of the female votes in North Carolina. And all of the black votes. And all of the government employee votes. And all of the union employee votes. And all of the ordinary go-to-work-every-day folk votes.

Margin of error is plus or minus 5%.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

You better shape up, ’cause I need a man
And my heart is set on you!
You better shape up, you better understand
To my heart I must be true!
Nothin’ left, nothin’ left for me to do.
You’re the one that I want!
Ooh, ooh, oooh, honey!

You’re The One That I Want – Olivia Newton John and John Travolta

What Do You Want?

When I was a kid I was a baseball pitcher. One coach gave me a great bit of advice. He said, “before every pitch, picture in your mind exactly what you want to happen.” He was right. I learned that if you first “see” an inside fast ball ripping past the batter at his fists, it’s more likely to happen than if you just wind up and throw it. You have to know what you want to make it happen.

Later, in business management, I was taught to actively plan all the time, to determine what result we would consider a “success”. In other words, to picture the desired outcome.

I don’t think enough people have considered what results they want from our leaders and our government. How many times have you heard “I really like how Trump has improved the economy and got our troops back home, but . . .” The “but” is always something about his personality, not his performance. But . . . he’s a bully. But . . . he’s too rich. But . . . he has orange hair. Or the “but” is some lie from an anonymous source that is too ridiculous for any thinking person to even believe.

So here’s what I want from my federal officials, prioritized:

  • I want our officials to follow the Constitution explicitly and protect our individual freedoms and rights as outlined there.
  • I want the federal government to get out of the way and let our free market economy roar. A few regulations that prevent citizens from being taken advantage of are in order – laws that can’t be administered by the states. But it had better be a pretty obvious threat, and a pretty transparent and straightforward solution. And no picking “winners and losers”.
  • I want the federal government to protect our states (yes we are a group of sovereign states, not a nation-state) from outside threats, including invasion of our borders.
  • I want the federal government to represent our citizen’s best interests with other nations regarding international trade.
  • I want the federal government to provide a safety net – economic, medical, humanitarian – for Americans with disabilities, disaster relief, and other needs we are unable to deal with ourselves as states or individuals.

That’s it. Our Constitution is about perfect as it is.

No, I don’t want the federal government to educate my kids, or make decisions about my property, or redistribute income, or build hospitals, or fund police departments, or solve global warming. Not their job.

We not only have to vote for candidates who we think will do what we want, we also need to demand what we want from officials once elected.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want!

Wannabe – the Spice Girls

How to Solve All of Our Government’s Problems

Today I am not going to whine or point fingers. Instead, I am going to take my best shot at problem-solving. Stick with me.

Back in the early 1980s TQM (Total Quality Management) was all the rage in corporate America. The TQM movement started when the US Army hired Dr. Edwards Deming to take over economic development in post-war Japan. Deming applied quality improvement techniques that transformed Japan from a nation of shoddy third-world trinket-makers to a wealthy nation of world-class manufacturers. His astonishing success gave rise to the thought that maybe the world could be saved after all.

As a young executive, I was asked to select and implement one of many popular TQM programs to make sure that our company stayed at the leading competitive edge of our industry. After looking at the alternatives, I chose the Philip Crosby Theory because it just seemed so simple and common-sensible. The Crosby Theory is based on these principles and definitions and provides tools to achieve them:

  • Quality is defined as conformance to requirements
  • Quality defect prevention is preferable to quality inspection
  • Zero defects is the quality performance standard
  • Quality is measured in monetary terms – the price of non-conformance

A government, like a business, is a group of people trying to get something done together in their common interest. And in government, like in business, if there is no agreement on what the requirements are, or how to tell if we are meeting them, there is zero chance of success.

Read the list above again and imagine all the ways that our government could be improved if these principles were applied. How many problems would this solve!

By defining what the requirements are, we would stop wasting time, money and effort doing things that half of our citizens don’t want done. We are fortunate to have a constitution written by geniuses that clearly defines what our government is expected to do.

Another great way to avoid wasting time, money and effort is to prevent problems instead of dealing with them after they are discovered. This would indicate that the single most important thing to our nation’s future is the improvement of our education system. We could apply TQM to that, too.

A major problem with our system of government is there is no standard of performance. That’s why our growing budget deficits and debt seem insurmountable and inevitable. If we are going to survive, we have to have achievable expectations of our government officials and hold them totally accountable.

And how would we measure our success? The only known way to measure anything is numerical. “Niceness” is not a measurement that can be agreed upon. “Respect”. “Caring.” “Fairness”. “Equality”. None of these are objective measurements. Let’s face it, government is all about using our shared money to improve our standard of living. All adults strive to financially improve every day. And no matter how much they “care”, elected officials can do nothing other than spend – or not spend – our money. Measurement of our government’s success must be statistical, not emotional: GDP growth, per capita income, consumer financial security, etc. We want all the graphs to point upward.

Okay, I gave it my best shot. Surely government can’t be that simple. Or can it?

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

Ain’t no need to complicate it, we both know that’s overrated
We’ve been there, its safe to say it ain’t our style, yeah
It’s like one, two, three
Just as easy as can be
Just the way you look at me
You make me smile

SIMPLE – Florida Georgia Line