The Green New Deal is Dying

Decades ago liberal political and cultural leaders found a topic that would frighten weak-minded people into doing things that are clearly illogical and against their best interests. “Global Warming” became the cause celebre of leftists worldwide, and has been used – often in conjunction with other concocted concerns – to bully people into accepting Marxist control over their lives.

For years we have been warned that the polar ice caps would disappear, the oceans would rise swamping coastal cities, the rain forests of South America would disappear, countless animals would be extinct, the air we breathe would be destroyed all because of fossil fuels or carbon dioxide or cow farts or something . . . it has been utter doom and gloom for all of my life, and I’m no spring chicken.

The goal of the Marxists is to shut down all energy sources that existed before they decided global warming was a thing. Petroleum has got to go, too “dirty”. Hydroelectric? Fish don’t like it. Nuclear power? The Russians melted down a nuke plant once. Coal makes people’s faces dirty. And there must be something wrong with natural gas, there is so much of it and Trump likes it.

Despite technological advances and resource discoveries that turn all of the Marxists’ fears upside down, they have persisted in trying to convert the world to new energy sources, whether they work or not, for the purpose of gaining control over our personal behavior.

Well, the new energy sources don’t work. And the world has begun to figure this out.

At the same time we are discovering that “renewable” electric energy sources are far less efficient and abundant than conventional power, we are converting our energy use to electric only.

Ford Motor Company did more to advance the standard of living for average citizens than perhaps anyone else in history by making gas-powered vehicles affordable for the masses. Then they were pushed by Marxists in government and other institutions to shift production away from internal combustion and toward battery-powered EVs. Now the car companies have announced that they are, again, cutting back on EV (electric vehicle) production, due to lack of demand.

It seems that consumers have figured out that even with huge taxpayer subsidies to both the buyers and the sellers of EVs, battery-powered vehicles are still no bargain. The range of an EV is about 300 miles, more or less, on a battery charge, and electricity is not free or readily available when all the power plants have been replaced by inefficient wind and solar and neighborhood grids can’t support the additional loads required to charge many cars overnight. The batteries must be replaced when worn out (eight to twelve years), at a cost of up to $15,000 plus installation. So the value of a used EV depletes quickly. The old batteries are a landfill disposal nightmare. The batteries require rare earth minerals to produce. Batteries don’t work well in extreme heat or cold. EVs weigh significantly more than gas-powered cars, so they are tough on tires and roads. Car battery fires are daunting for firemen, and EVs are proving much less reliable than gas-powered cars. Let’s not forget the sticker price for EVs is significantly higher than gas burners, and manufacturers are still losing a ton of money.

Any time the government has to bribe producers to make something, and/or consumers to buy something, you can bet it will end up being a bad deal for everybody, except those who take illicit advantage of somebody else’s forced investment. Free market supply and demand is perfect – producers are encouraged to make products that buyers want and can afford.

Last year the South Carolina legislature gave $1.3 billion in taxpayer-funded incentives and cash to Volkswagen/Scout to build a new EV manufacturing plant in the Palmetto State. The spending bill was pushed through rapidly and with little or no transparency and apparently not a lot of critical thought. One year later, car companies are cutting way back on production and plans for battery plants are being scrapped. The failure of South Carolina’s investment in the EV industry is predictable and it will be held against elected officials who voted for it.

Yes, people have wised up and the Green New Deal is now old news. It has been replaced by the Next New Pandemic.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

Well you could search the whole world over
And never find another like it
It's got a built in lifetime guarantee
It's a one time only offer
And darling once you've tried it
You're gonna fall in love with it you'll see

Have I Got A Deal For You - Reba McEntire

The Economy is Fine – Inflation is Only 3%!

Yeah, right.

The CEO of McDonald’s acknowledged a drop in sales due to increased menu prices. Customers have noticed and criticized the price hikes, especially the nearly $18 Big Mac combo. The company aims to focus on affordability in response.

Chris Kempczinski discussed this strategy on an earnings call, highlighting a shift towards making their offerings more affordable in 2024. Despite a 3.4% growth in global same-store sales, it fell short of the expected 4.7%. Rising inflation has particularly affected low-income customers, leading to a decrease in patronage.

Daily Patriot Report – 2/7/24

Since 2020, home prices are up 45%. Car insurance has increased by 36%. 

Some other mind-numbing stats from the Heritage Foundation:

Unless you are one of the elite, jet-set, Davos/WEF “beautiful people”, you know what’s going on. The middle class will soon be completely hollowed out as our federal government borrows trillions of dollars from our grandchildren, pouring it on their friends and oligarchs around the world, while inviting millions of third-world sparrows to our once-prosperous eagle’s nest.

We all know that there are “lies, damn lies, and statistics”. Our current administration is immune to embarrassment when it comes to issuing statistical propaganda. And their partners in crime, big tech and big media, are quick to cover up any bad news before it reaches the “smelly Wal-Mart people” they so detest.

I went to college before they were liberal indoctrination camps. My business and accounting mentor, a very wise and accomplished semi-retired CFO from Boston, taught me a succinct and powerful lesson he called “the test of reasonableness”: whenever you are given a number that someone is using to try to influence you, question it in your mind and apply some simple math. If the rough-cut calculation doesn’t make immediate sense, you are being conned! 

Hey Biden Administration! Credit card debt is through the roof. Nobody can afford to buy a new home. Working-class shoppers pick up an item, see the price, and sadly put it back on the shelf. Your inflation numbers do not pass the test of reasonableness.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side


Lie to me
It doesn’t matter any more
It could never be
The way it was before

LIE TO ME – Jonny Lang

We Should Declare War Against the Cartels

photo courtesy NY Times

The United States has committed more than $75 billion to Ukraine, ostensibly to defend them from Russia, Russia, Russia. We can speculate how much of that taxpayer funding finds its way back to the Biden crime family and others, but that’s another story.

It is an enormous sum considering we have to borrow every penny of it. And for what? What is our national interest in the dispute between Ukraine and Russia? How many Americans have died in Ukraine in the last two years? Answer: Six.

Meanwhile, in the same period, how many Americans have died of fentanyl overdoses? Answer: 220,000.

Almost all of the fentanyl in our country comes through our open border with Mexico. And this only happens with, through, and by the Mexican drug cartels.

I join a group of friends every Wednesday morning for a men’s prayer meeting. Last week we were gathered at our fast food meeting place as always, and we invited a nearby diner named Philip to join us. He listened quietly as we complained about how badly things are going in the USA. Then he said he had a “miracle” testimony that might make us feel better, at least comparatively.

Philip said he had met his wife over 20 years ago in Matamoros, Mexico just across the border from Brownsville, Texas. She was a native Mexican translator at a Christian conference he attended. And even though she died a few years after their marriage, Philip still keeps in touch with her family, their son, and the church they supported in Matamoros.

On a recent phone call with his former father-in-law he learned that conditions in Matamoros are getting desperate – the drug cartels have taken over every aspect of daily life. It is now unsafe to venture out of your home at any time, and if you do, you must pay a bribe to the cartel for everything you do. There is no law and order and the economy is in shambles.

Philip told the story of a young member of his church in Matamoros who made a living buying cars in the USA and selling them in southern Mexico. On a recent trip he and two friends got caught in a cartel roadblock. They were robbed of their car, money, watches, and even their shoes. Then they were dragged into the ditch where his friends were both executed point blank. When the pistol was raised to his head he prayed for his life, and as he did the murderer’s cell phone rang. The thug turned and ran to his car, leaving the young Christian shocked but unhurt. With his miracle faith aflame, he soon became the new pastor of his church.

Just south of our border is a war zone. While we send endless billions to the Ukraine war where six Americans have died in two years, we do absolutely nothing to stop the war in our own backyard that kills over a hundred thousand young Americans, and countless other souls, every year. Quite the opposite, the Biden administration supports the cartels by enabling them to extort billions of dollars from their victims who have been invited by Biden to enter our country illegally.

Former presidents GW Bush, Obama, and Trump all tried minor military solutions to solve the border problem, without much success. During his term, Trump investigated more aggressive military options, even up to firing missiles into Mexico, according to Mark Esper, former defense secretary. But our current president, sheltered by fawning news and social media, clearly prefers sending military money and equipment to Ukraine, where he gets a cut returned to him, while the Mexican drug cartels run amok on our border.

Fortunately, most GOP presidential candidates are hawkish about the cartels. In addition to Trump, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Tim Scott agree that we should take unilateral action against the cartels if Mexican president Obrador refuses to. Asa Hutchinson and Mike Pence remain soft on the cartels. Vivek Ramaswamy has said he would use our military to “defend our borders”.

I have a hunch that $75 billion would buy more than enough whoop-ass to eliminate the cartels and finally establish immigration control at our border.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, ’n’ how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, ’n’ how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind

Blowin’ In the Wind – Bob Dylan

Central African Nation Erupts in Violence

[RockinRightSide News Service – 3/20/23] Civil war has broken out in the once-prosperous central African nation of the Ugandi States. Brutal violence in the streets has replaced the domestic tranquility and personal freedoms that made the nation a “shining beacon on a hill,” admired by all the world and a prized destination for immigrants fleeing oppression and poverty in their home countries.

The conflict started three years ago when the sitting president of the Ugandi States, Donno Trompo, was re-elected by a large majority of the populace, but the entrenched opposition party, who had maintained de facto control of the government throughout Trompo’s term, used a variety of dishonest and illegal tactics to steal the election. State media suppressed news of the election anomalies and proclaimed challenger JoJo Bidenu as the legitimate president of the Ugandi States.

As the Bidenu administration met to certify the illicit election, Trompo supporters who had gathered at the nation’s capital to protest, were beaten and sprayed with chemicals by state police on the steps of the Ugandi States capitol building. When police ratcheted up the violence, what had been a peaceful protest got out of hand. It was later learned that Bidenu government infiltrators aggressively attempted to instigate a riot and breach of the capitol building to justify their election theft. Despite allegations of protester violence by the Bidenu regime, no state officials were seriously harmed.

Four of the protesters were murdered by the authorities; one was shot in the face, one was bludgeoned to death, and two died after being struck with flash bang grenades. The Bidenu regime denied these atrocities, but the events were recorded on incriminating video. Hundreds more protesters were arrested and imprisoned on unfounded and unproven charges. Many of these prisoners were kept in inhumane, filthy jail cells for months and years without access to health care, families, attorneys, or court dates. Most Ugandi States citizens were unaware of the plight of these political prisoners as the Bidenu administration and state media hid their existence from public view.

All pretense of fairness and justice was abandoned in the Ugandi States court system as judges installed by the Bidenu regime refused to hear evidence or provide any form of due process. All of those charged with crimes were presumed guilty. The Ugandi States once-revered constitution was nullified, replaced by a spoils system that rewarded supporters of the Bidenu regime and punished Trompo loyalists.

Civil unrest grew as financial conditions in the Ugandi States deteriorated under the Bidenu regime. Citizens bristled at the government’s corrupt confiscation of wealth and distribution to connected cronies. Government overspending and manipulation of currency, interest rates and financial markets led to rampant inflation which fueled poverty and homelessness. Most banks were forced out of business leaving desperate depositors pondering how to recover their life savings.

Thousands of Ugandi States citizens died after a man-made weaponized virus escaped from a Bidenu-funded laboratory. Using the ensuing pandemic as cover, the regime imposed lockdowns which destroyed businesses and schools, and caused chronic depression. Then the government mandated forced vaccinations that turned out to be deadly rather than therapeutic.

Reports surfaced of Bidenu and his family members taking bribes from foreign governments and companies in exchange for favorable treatment and payments from the national treasury. Ugandi States taxpayers were enraged.

The tinderbox of public sentiment in the Ugandi States was already volatile when the corrupt courts of the Bidenu regime arrested former president Trompo on specious charges. It was the final straw in a long series of provocations that citizens could no longer tolerate.

The capital city of the Ugandi States is now under siege as military and other security officials contemplate which side of the conflict to join. Police departments that were defunded and abandoned by the Bidenu regime are unable to restore order as government loyalists loot and burn cities.

Meanwhile, adversary nations are weighing their military options with the resource-rich Ugandi States government in utter disarray.

Prayers are in order for this nation teetering on destruction. More news will be forthcoming as events develop.

** This article is a parody

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

Trump won, and you know it
Trump won, and you know it
Fox News won’t even show it
Trump won, and you know it

Trump Won and You Know It – Natasha Owens

America, You Need a 12-Step Program

We have a problem. We are addicted to spending.

I’m not talking about your family budget, although 64% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck.

No, I’m talking about our elected officials and the $31.4 trillion debt they have accumulated. The number is so mind-numbing, so incomprehensible, one must ask “how the hell did that happen?”

Well, it just slipped up on us, bit by bit. We kept electing sweet-talking, career-building big spenders to political office. We were seduced. Democrat or Republican, even if they meant well going in, it was just a matter of weeks before they were swallowed up by the swampers and lobbyists. They quickly learned to play by the club rules to get re-elected, and getting re-elected is the key to stratospheric income potential. They got high on spending, so they did more. And more. And we were enablers.

Some politicians were wealthy before they were elected. And some of these are among the best representatives we have, because they didn’t go to DC to get rich. They don’t need to sell their souls to lobbyists for campaign funds. But too many candidates are elected by spending butt-loads of our money on campaigns, only to become stupid-rich a few years later by getting paid off to spend more butt-loads of our money.

Then there is the lack of transparency by our federal government and their propaganda division (news and social media). We never hear about their drunken spending on a detail basis. If we did, we would have a mass aneurism. Follow this link – it is enough to give you at least a headache.

But back to “how the hell . . .”

My small town received $3.8 million in American Rescue Plan “Covid” relief funds. Not one dollar was spent on Covid. Covid was just an excuse for federal officials to throw money at us to look like heroes and get re-elected. It’s not tax money – they just printed $1.9 trillion and our kids and grandkids will have to pay it back when the Chinese take over. Imagine how easy it is to pinch a little money off the top of each local grant? And I sure don’t get the “Rescue” part. If you were on a rooftop floating down a flooding river, would you want somebody to swoop in, take your money, spend it at the local brothel, and call it a rescue?

The feds said ARP funds could be used for whatever purpose local officials wanted, as long as it could be loosely categorized to one of the leftist priorities. So you folks in Alaska and Montana bought my town a new street sweeper, some city vehicles, some raises for city employees, and some new sewer lines, plus you paid off some past-due utility bills for our residents and businesses. And we here in South Carolina paid for new turf on a recreational football field in Ohio and a weird “public art display” in New Jersey. But don’t worry, it’s all “free” because it came from the feds, not our own local taxes. If we were asked to buy $200k of plastic “art” for a library in New Jersey, it wouldn’t go over well.

“COVID” emergency fund spending in New Jersey – photo courtesy

Meanwhile, spending addicts from both parties fall all over each other to funnel war money and equipment to Ukraine, depleting our own defense resources, but can’t find the money to harden our electrical grid, protect our internet, or seal our border from fentanyl traffic.

Ask any addict – step one toward recovery is recognizing that you have a problem. We have to convince our officials that we can’t keep supporting their spending habit.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

You like to think that
You’re immune to the stuff, oh yeah
It’s closer to the truth to say
You can’t get enough

ADDICTED TO LOVE – Robert Palmer

Love those Palmer girls!

Leader of the Pack

photo courtesy of

While the mid-term election was no fun for real conservatives, it sure put a spring in the step of media pundits, Democrats, Never-Trumpers, and Senate and House leaders Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy.

Before the week was over, every political junkie was obsessing over (a) who is at fault for the “red fizzle” and (b) who would be the new House (majority) and Senate (minority) leaders.

The folks in my opening paragraph quickly blamed former president Donald Trump, whose alleged failures included endorsing weak GOP candidates who ultimately lost (his actual record was 216 wins to 19 losses), not spending his entire super PAC on candidates (he spent $16 million out of his estimated $100 million war chest), and taking a verbal shot at his presumed 2024 presidential opponent, Ron DeSantis, just before election day.

Conservatives, meanwhile, faulted GOP leadership. The Big Macs (McCarthy, McConnell and Ronna Romney McDaniel, RNC chairwoman) made their share of unforced errors, funding such stellar conservatives as Lisa Murkowski, while snubbing Trump favorites Masters, Oz and Bolduc. And some say the party’s policy messaging was not strong enough to win on-the-fence voters.

Despite a challenge from Florida senator Rick Scott, McConnell was elected Senate minority leader, on a 37 to 10 vote thanks to Murkowski and other members of the Quid Pro Quo Caucus. McCarthy, on the other hand, appears to be on the way out. Russ Vought, president of Citizens for Renewing America and Trump’s OMB director, told followers tonight that no fewer than 37 Republicans are firmly against McCarthy and that Andy Biggs will likely be the new speaker. Lee Zeldin, who narrowly missed in the New York governor’s race, is vying to replace McDaniel for the chair of the RNC.

In the bigger scheme, neither Trump nor the Big Macs were responsible for the “red fizzle”. The Democrats in battleground states have expanded their cheating playbook to include “malfunctioning” (thus unavailable) voting equipment and late, late, late ballot counts, resulting in some upsets that were beyond absurdity. In fact, the Democrats have become so skilled at election cheating that some Republicans fear they will never win another election unless they learn to cheat even better.

Now I have good news and I have bad news.

First the bad news. Most Americans have no clue who the leaders of the House and Senate are. They are not aware that hundreds of political prisoners have been held by our Democrat administration for two years in putrid conditions without due process. They don’t know that our economy is a $40 trillion house of cards. They are blissfully unaware that our president is fatally compromised to the Chinese, the Russians, the Ukrainians, and whoever else his corrupt family has sold influence and US assets to. They know nothing because our media/government/education cabal keeps the truth hidden from them.

Now the potentially good news. We may have the most conservative group of congressmen and women ever. And we have the opportunity to put new congressional leaders in place who are principled and driven, and who understand the urgent danger our nation is in. They may not be able to pass laws through our feckless Senate or our administration. But they can expose the fraud and corruption with investigations and hearings. They can defund or destroy the corrupt three-letter agencies that have been weaponized against the American people. They can shut down the government if they have to. And they have the power to wake up America’s sleeping voters to the shame that we have become, perhaps in time to save us from the fate of Cuba and Venezuela.

Of course, all of this was possible at times in the past when we had a congressional majority. But without a courageous and moral leader of the pack, our lawmakers have been stymied.

I hope we get it right; this may be our last chance.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

I met him at the candy store
He turned around and smiled at me,
You get the picture? (Yes, we see)
That’s when I fell for the leader of the pack

LEADER OF THE PACK – the Shangri-Las

9% Inflation, my ASS!

Today we had a glass installer come out to spec and estimate a glass shower door for our new home.

When we asked about the cost, he said, “Who knows? Yesterday I got a call from my glass supplier, and he said next week my cost would be increased by 30%. And this is after a price increase in June. Plus, the 10% fuel surcharge for delivery of his product has doubled.”

This is typical of the quotes I have been getting for all kinds of building materials and labor. Everything is up 50% to 100%.

Last week we were grocery shopping at Costco. On our shopping list was large pork loins – last month the cost was $1.99/lb, and my wife thinks they have been at that price level for a long time. She was stunned to see the new price: $3.99 per pound. Isn’t that about a 100% increase? We didn’t buy them.

Here’s a math lesson, used by accountants and fifth graders worldwide. Percent increase is calculated as follows: new cost – original cost = amount of increase ÷ original cost = percent increase

$3.99 – $1.99 = $2.00 ÷ $1.99 = 100%

The good news is we still got a hot dog and Coke at Costco for $1.50. That price has been the same since 1985. The founder of Costco once told the current CEO, Craig Jelinek, “If you raise the [price of the] effing hot dog, I will kill you!” He clearly knows where Costco’s buns are buttered.

As of this writing, BidenGas averages $4.52 per gallon. A year ago it was $3.25.

$4.52 – $3.25 = $1.27 ÷ $3.25 = 39% in 12 months

And the inflation is much worse compared to TrumpGas, the average price when Biden took office in January of 2020 ($2.60).

$4.52 – $2.60 = $1.92 ÷ $2.60 = 74% in 18 months

So tell me, in your neighborhood, is there anything that doesn’t cost at least 50% more than it did a year ago? Where does this 9% figure come from? Can we trust anything the federal government tells us these days?

Exactly one year ago, President Biden said, “You’re not going to get COVID if you get these vaccinations.” Guess who got COVID last week? Liar.

Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s secretary of homeland security, said, “Look, the border is secure.” As the Border Patrol points out 207,000 “migrant encounters” in June alone. Not to mention all of the illegals who did not turn themselves in to authorities to get their EBT cards, cell phones, and plane tickets to their US destination of choice. Secure? Liar.

The really sad thing is this inflation is intentional. Don’t tell me that the Biden administration and the World Economic Forum fatcats don’t know that huge government spending and debt from fiat currency causes inflation – any kid out of ECON 101 knows that.

I’m sorry, when the Biden administration and the liberal news media (sorry, redundant) tell me that inflation is 9%, I’m just not buying it. I know when I am being “zoomed”.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

Guess you believed the world
Played by your rules
Here stands an experienced girl
I ain’t nobody’s fool, bump you

Who’s Zooming Who? – ARETHA FRANKLIN
the all-time queen of soul!


Does this sound like anybody you know? Hmm . . . maybe our federal government? Maybe the Biden administration? Maybe the Democrat Party under Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer? The crazy team on the Marxist crazy train?

Does the term “incompetence” bring to mind minority leader Kevin McCarthy or Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, neither of whom has ever initiated or demanded a regular-order federal budget, instead playing the “continuing resolution” game year after year?

Is it just me, or is the incompetence of our elected officials becoming absolutely mind-boggling?

Anyone who has owned a business, or has been a manager at any level, or for that matter, has been a line-level employee who gives a damn, completely understands the term incompetence. It just can’t be avoided. It slaps you in the face when you see it. Incompetence is so intolerable, and smells so bad, that families go to war over it. Workers quit their jobs over it. Customers flee from suppliers over it.

Have you had a boss who is or was incompetent? Did it piss you off so badly you couldn’t even see straight?

Just for fun, let’s look at some specific recent examples of the incompetence of our national leaders:

  • Our nation needs a low-cost, reliable energy supply and just one year ago enjoyed economic success and foreign policy prowess as the world’s leading producer of energy
    • until the Biden administration cut off pipelines and drilling, while pressing for scientifically indefensible green policies, and advocating for competing nations’ carbon-based energy development, even begging OPEC to increase oil production to hold down the inevitably skyrocketing gas prices
  • Americans endure endless business, education and home life shutdowns, mask mandates and vaccine requirements due to questionable government and media COVID-19 “science”
    • while our federal government overturns all existing border controls and encourages tens of thousands of illegal migrants to walk into our states without any vetting or medical clearance, and while hundreds of thousands of American COVID patients die without being allowed access to proven, inexpensive therapeutic drugs
  • Federal budgets blow trillions of taxpayer dollars on corrupt schemes to reward political supporters disguised as “community organizers” who work feverishly, and illegally, to ensure the re-election of their leftist sugar daddies

The founders of our nation embraced a free-market economy and expected that government would dovetail into a routine that rewards competence. You build a better mousetrap at a lower price, and you are rewarded. I think almost everybody feels that government should run like a business – after all, what else does government do but receive and distribute money?

So how the hell did our government, made up of those we have elected, become so INCOMPETENT?

The only way out of this mess is to do what any business must do to survive. Find employees and managers who are competent, and FIRE all the incompetents.

Tom Balek, Rockin’ On the Right Side

Feeling better now that we’re through
Feeling better, ’cause I’m over you
I’ve learned my lesson, it left a scar
And now I see how you really are

You’re no good, you’re no good, you’re no good
Baby, you’re no good!
YOU’RE NO GOOD – Linda Ronstadt

The USA: Back in the USSR!

We used to laugh at Boris and Natasha, never dreaming that the USA would someday replace the former USSR as the world’s most stupid, backwards, nonsensible socialist nation.

Did you feel sorry for Soviet moms waiting in line at the grocery store only to find empty shelves? That could never happen in the mighty USA, the world’s economic dynamo and home of free markets, right? Lately American shoppers are finding not only empty shelves and six-month lead times for ordinary products, but also Argentina-style price inflation.

The United States once had a vibrant free press that would investigate government corruption in a New York minute, while in the USSR, Pravda was the only news available to Russian citizens, and it was nothing more than propaganda straight from the totalitarian Soviet government. Hmmm, kind of sounds like CNN, MSNBC, and Facebook, right? Hunter who?

The USA, through applied technology and free enterprise, became energy independent and enjoyed the economic boost that abundant and affordable energy (oil and natural gas) can provide. But wait, our new administration is pushing alternative energy without considering the scientific realities: solar and wind can’t come close to the reliability, sustainability and low cost of petroleum energy.

See the source image

Cars from the USSR back in the day were almost useless. Check out our new $50,000 high-tech electric cars that require a 75 amp service for recharging when most homes only are wired for 100 amps, and our electric grid limits us to only three Teslas per block in most cities. Plus the puny 274 mile range of our best hybrids and 10-hour recharge cycle makes long distance travel impossible even if you can afford the cost of the electricity that is ten times the cost per mile of gasoline.

But we still have our freedom, right? At least we don’t have a KGB watching our every move and abusing our rights. No, we have the FBI tapping our phones and emails and instigating “insurgencies” to harass and arrest anyone who opposes our oppressive federal government.

Soviet elections were known world-wide to be manipulated. Now the USA sets the world standard in election fraud, making Vladimir Putin look like a piker.

But boy, the Soviets sure screwed up in Afghanistan, didn’t they?

What a bunch of losers! So glad that couldn’t happen to our vaunted American military – our foreign policy is so superior that we now have a transgendered four-star admiral in leadership. Thanks, Mr. President, for striking fear into the hearts of our adversaries.

Yeah, haha. The old Soviet Union sure was a joke.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

I’m back in the U.S.S.R.
You don’t know how lucky you are, boy
Back in the U.S.S.R.

Back in the USSR – the Beatles

Is Your Kid Learning Human Geography?

Mr. Wilson was the cranky history teacher in our small town high school. We were required to take at least three history courses over four years, and he taught all of them. As freshmen, we were told to study maps in the library on our own and learn all of the mountain ranges, rivers, nations, cities, oceans and seas, peninsulas and other topographical features of the entire globe. He never formally taught geography as part of our history classes. But if any student misbehaved in any history class, Mr. Wilson’s punishment of choice would be to stop everything and make the whole class take a 10-question pop quiz on geography. And if he was really cranky, he would whip out his “you’ll never get this one” list.

Of course, he used the same list of questions for decades. Fortunately I have an older sister who gave me her hard-earned “secret geography list” when she graduated. I think somebody had temporarily swiped the list from Mr. Wilson’s desk some years earlier and he never caught on. My sister admonished me to keep the secret.

Once I had the list, I misbehaved plenty, baiting Mr. Wilson into yet another geography quiz, and almost always scoring 100%. Over four years of high school, this became a personal feud between me and Mr. Wilson, and it made me somewhat unpopular with my classmates.

“Question number 7: What is the body of water southwest of the Philippines and northeast of Borneo?” Ha! Gotcha, Mr. Wilson. The Sulu Sea! I can still see his bald head turning red.

Last week I learned about another kind of geography. A young friend at my gym told me he would soon be starting his first teaching job at a local school. I asked him who and what he would be teaching. “Freshman Human Geography” was his answer. I had never heard of this course, but fearing the worst, I dug for more information.

“What the heck is human geography?”

“Well, it’s not like ordinary geography,” he explained. “We don’t teach about physical places. Instead we analyze the differences between people and cultures and how governments and societies can address and solve the problems that result.”

Gulp. My worst fear realized. He is teaching CRT – Critical Race Theory.

I live in an affluent South Carolina community with a highly-regarded school system. Our residents vote solidly Republican and we are in Ralph Norman’s (Freedom Caucus) congressional district. But I would bet not one in ten residents of my town has ever even heard of CRT. And if I explained that Critical Race Theory is part of the Marxist platform aimed at indoctrinating kids with the racist notion that all whites are oppressors and all non-whites are victims, they would gasp and deny that any such thing is possible in our vaunted school district.

I’ll also bet that my young teacher friend has never heard of CRT. He was just another skull full of mush who swallowed the leftist kool-aid he was handed for four years at his college, and he is happy to be serving kool-aid to kids for a living now.

I have never met any American, in my school district or not, who doesn’t fully subscribe to the Dr. Martin Luther King philosophy that we should judge each other based on the content of our characters rather than the color of our skin. It’s a universal American value, and revered as absolute truth. But today’s Democrat Party has thrown MLK, and pretty much all Americans, under the school bus in their frantic push for absolute one-party rule.

There has been a good deal of pushback against the CRT blitz the last few weeks, led by Heritage Action for America, and the Center for Renewing America. Parents are now confronting school boards and even state legislatures, demanding CRT be removed and precluded from K-12 curricula.

Meanwhile the complicit news media brushes off the protests as much ado about nothing, with liberal talking heads claiming CRT is not being taught in K-12 schools.

Jessica Anderson, executive director of Heritage Action, embarrassed the NEA by showing recent screen grabs of their website before they scrubbed sections about their plans to universally embed CRT in our K-12 curriculums. But that doesn’t mean our kids will escape the indoctrination. Driven by liberal Democrats at the federal level, our school boards, school administrations, and teacher ranks will continue to obfuscate and disguise their CRT ambitions under other names, like Human Geography. And it’s not the kind of geography we learned from Mr. Wilson.

The Marxist CRT movement is just one of a thousand poisoned arrows aimed at the heads of American families by the Democrats. Parents, do whatever you must to shield your kids and grandkids.

Tom Balek – Rockin’ On the Right Side

We don’t need no education
We don’t need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone

Another Brick in the Wall – Pink Floyd