I’m Mad as Hell and I’m Not Going to Take This Any More!

Today I had an appointment for a physical therapy consultation. My neurologist recommended I get some PT for minor symptoms related to my benign brain tumor after surgery and more recent radiation treatments.

Now for some context. I am fed up to here with the political correctness, identity politics, science denial, lockdowns, and all the other nonsense thrown at us since the election by the overzealous leftists in power and the flock of sheep that follow them like lemmings. Put me in the category of “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this any more!” Here’s that classic scene from the 1976 movie “Network” to place (or refresh) in your memory banks:

Back to the physical therapist. They required me to fill out an elaborate set of online records before arriving. I spent about an hour this morning listing details about a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with physical therapy. I had to choose one of 12 gender identities and one of 300 races/ethnicities – “prefer not to answer” was not an option. I selected “Siberian Eskimo” for my ethnicity and “other” for sexual orientation. I couldn’t wait for someone to ask me about either of those answers.

So I was a little bit short of patience already when I entered the office. One step inside the door, Caitlin, the receptionist, asked me to put on a mask, and I refused. “I will not wear a mask,” I said. “We are in the free state of South Carolina”. She started spouting their “corporate policy”. After an awkward stare-down, I allowed her to give me a mask. Then as she talked with another customer, I glanced across the room and saw the therapist talking to a patient and, you guessed it, the therapist was not wearing a face diaper.

“Caitlin,” I interrupted. “Look down there!”

She saw the maskless guy and blushed (sorry if that reveals her ethnicity). She blurted, “Well, he’s a therapist and he’s vaccinated!” She had not asked me if I was a medical professional, was vaccinated or had immunity by recovering from COVID-19.

I took off my mask, threw it on her desk, and said, “Bye bye!” Caitlin and her other customer both gasped wide-eyed as I turned and stomped out.

By the time I got home, fuming the entire way, my cell phone rang. The owner of the company had her script out, ready to defend her company’s unscientific, discriminatory policies. Needless to say I knocked each of her lame pitches out of the park. To her credit, she did make the call, and we had a long discussion. I asked her why her company cares about sexual orientation (unless they are bigots) and ethnicity (unless they are racists). I asked how, if everyone in her office is vaccinated, do I pose a threat to any of them, or them to me? She had no coherent, scientific answers, but was not deterred from her “policies”.

“We have offices all over the country, and we treat all of our customers exactly the same,” she said.

My reply: “Well, you have one fewer now! Do not bill me, Medicare, or my insurer!”

My friends, if we are going to take our country back, we have to put up a fight every time one of these sanctimonious little minions threatens our freedoms. We have to be mad as hell, and not take this any more.

Tom Balek, Rockin’ On the Right Side

Oh you’re so condescending
Your call is never ending
We don’t want nothin’, not a thing from you
Your life is trite and jaded
Boring and confiscated
If that’s your best, your best won’t do!

We’re not gonna take it
No, we ain’t gonna take it
We’re not gonna take it anymore!

WE’RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT – Twisted Sister

4 thoughts on “I’m Mad as Hell and I’m Not Going to Take This Any More!

  1. I’m with you. I refuse to patronize any business which is adhering to masking and intrusive unconstitutional measures!
    #NotGonnaTakeItAnymore either!

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